Zion National Park - A snippet

Submitted by eBeth on
eBeth at Zion

Today we were both tired. Maybe it’s a hang over from two day ago- was it only two days ago in Zion. A short 8mile hike 3.5 of it uphill. Or More. The first part zigzagged up the side of the screen slope. I wonder if they make it hard at first to deter the unfit. Around one mile up we rounded the corner and walked through a covered canyon. Beautiful peaceful shapes and colours. Cooler than the steady uphill climb of moments before.

It ended abruptly the path elevating once more high above the ravine. Trees cling to the path as the ground changed from pink to grey to red. We stopped in the shadow of a cliff face the path winding up as we spoke to a group. This is the last push one of the girls said optimistically. I checked my health ap and even with my bad conversion km to miles we were no where near done. Breath caught up we went. A marker on the path pointed us upwards once more a barely discernible path led off to the right it was marked east rim. Not ours. I looked back at the marker as we stride by... 2 miles back to home.. we had another two outward bound first.

Legs aching could I do this. IKaruS kept telling me he would carry my bag I kept refusing just a few more minutes. Mine is heavy with water 3 litres plus two small apple juices a couple energy bars some cheese.. everything ‘healthy’ low salt low sugar god I needed salt and sugar.

The cliff changed again grinding relentlessly upwards till with a single clinging tree a blast of wind caught me by surprise. No longer contained in a valley the path now went directly along a steep cliff face 1000 foot drop. Fear no terror griped my heart and me breath sped up faster and faster. Hugging the wall and starting to swear if not come this far to fail now. A switch back and I was out of the wind. And ever upwards. Another turn and I placed my head on the cliff eyes closed I hate heights... I would cry but I have no moisture for tears and no breath to wail. Another switch back and people giving encouragement it flattens out just ahead. IKaruS walks just in front shielding my sight from the drops. I’m not sure it helps but I make it to the top and sure enough it did flatten out to follow the ridge line to the observation point. I hang well away from the edge and eat my shaky body recover. Down is mandatory on this walk all 4 miles of it.

We make it back to the shuttle bus about six hours and roughly as stated.

Our eyes keep seeing new things new ways the world can astound us. Huge massive vistas that cannot even be photographed so large they are.

  • Zion Observation point the first switchbacks